Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crumbling Patio

I was watering the patio plants and CRACK, my foot went right through the floor!

Sadly my beautiful peaceful patio garden is really a crumbling death trap
No worries! My landlord sent someone right over to fix it. Haha never-fear  this board will hold your patio together.

Hydroponic Garden Update

Completely out of control

Beautiful Burpless Organic sweet cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes
Cauliflower and strawberries hidden in the cucumber, tomato jumble

Patio Container Garden

Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender ~ Alice Walker (In Search of our Mothers' Garden)

Super Banana pepper. I can't believe how big it's gotten. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting on the floor of Lowes surrounded by banana pepper plants, trying to decide which one had the best chance of survival. It was so puny.  I think I made a good choice.

The cayenne pepper. I had really bad root gnat infestation a few weeks back. I mixed up a solution of  dish soap, baking soda and water. I soaked the soil and sprayed the leaves, added lava and gravel to the top soil. I haven't seen the gnats since.


One of my favorite vegetables of all time, green beans! I have a few that are just about ready

Ground garden update

The Thai Basil flowered. I captured a little bee in the photo, I din't see it while taking the picture

Hot Pepper! The pepper is almost as tall as the entire plant.

Grow watermelon grow!


The first bell pepper is almost ready. This is the same plant that I had in a container on the patio.It developed black rot. I chopped the top off and most of the branches, transplanted it in to the ground garden on July 12. It took just under a month to pick back up and produce a pepper.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Working!

Sweet Banana

Hot banana



mini bell

cute lil watermelon. I love how it already looks like a watermelon, just itty bitty


 red bell

hee hee my fully ripe tomatoes. I was expecting small not tiny!:) So sweet and tasty

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tomato comparison

It's hard to distinguish between the tomato and the cucumber.
If  I grow larger vegetables again I'll definitely use a bigger container. The strawberry and cauliflower are both doing well too, surprisingly. I have no idea how they will all fit. Haha it will probably tumble over once the cucumbers start growing.

The outside tomato is doing great. The stems are thick and the plant seems to be quite a bit sturdier than i's hydro sister. The patio tomato sprouted tomatoes two days before the hydro. I was quite surpised

Chicken kabobs and candy corn

I pinched the tips of the tomato and the cucumber. They measured 56 inches. The tomato plant has lots of little tomatoes, no red ones yet. The cucumber has been flowering for weeks but no cucumbers. I read that indoor cucumbers may need help with pollination so I've been transferring pollen from the male to the female flower. You can tell the female from the male flower because it grows on the tip of what looks like a tiny cucumber. 95% of all the flowers have been male. I'm not sure if that's normal.

The roots run deep indeed

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Faces Part 2

Summer set lip to earth's bosom bare,
And left the flushed print in a poppy there.
~Francis Thompson, "The Poppy," 1891

Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Faces

Isn't it beautiful! Eggplant has to be the prettiest vegetable

Painted Daisies